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ZoomSpike - Bespoke / Custom Photography
» Examples / Context
Simulated examples of real world images
"Midnight", Black Chested Buzzard Eagle on approach.
Boca Window
Wall Art Mock Up
Boca Window
Gallery Mock Up
Sugar, Spice 'n' Everything Nice 86
Simulated Wall Art
Sugar, Spice 'n' Everything Nice 86
Simulated Album Cover
Bendy in 86
Simulated Gallery Poster
Kenny & Ceri in 86
Simulated Wall Poster
Kenny & Ceri in 86
Simulated Gallery Wall Art
Morning Glory
Winter Sunrise over the Clyde, West Scotland. Living room simulation.
"Kelpie" #!
The Kelpies of Falkirk, Kids room simulation.
"Kelpie" #2
The Kelpies of Falkirk, Office simulation.
Inside Valletta
Valletta back street, office simulation.
Mallorca Palm
Summer Sunshine in Mallorca, Living room simulation.
Be Charlotte 05
Simulated Magazine Cover
Be Charlotte 04
Simulated Album Cover
Be Charlotte 03
Simulated Gallery Wall Art
Be Charlotte 02
Simulated Wall Art
Be Charlotte 01
Simulated public poster
Joanne Dorrans of "The Claramassa"
Album cover simulation of Joanne Dorrans of "The Claramassa"
Joanne Dorrans of "The Claramassa"
An Interior Wall Art simulation of Joanne Dorrans
Joanne Dorrans of "The Claramassa"
A Gallery Installation simulation of Joanne Dorrans
Joanne Dorrans of "The Claramassa"
A Tokyo Street Poster simulation of Joanne Dorrans
Joanne Dorrans of "The Claramassa"
A "Warhol" simulation of Joanne Dorrans
The spare wheel on a classic Riley
"JGA 830"
A classic Daimler
A classic MG
The dashboard in a classic Riley
An classic Rover
Kawasaki Vulcan Classic
Kawasaki Vulcan Classic from Fool On MCC
Chopper 01
A Chopper from Fool On MCC
Suzuki M1800R 02
Suzuki M1800R from Fool On MCC
Suzuki M1800R 01
Suzuki M1800R from Fool On MCC
Harley 01
A Harley from Fool On MCC
Dawn in the Strait of Magellan.
Pacific Sunset
Patagonia Gold
The Western end of the Strait of Magellan at sunset.
Patagonia Sunset
The Western end of the Strait of Magellan at sunset.
Ruth Campbell - Album Art 1
Ruth Campbell - Album Art 2
Ruth Campbell - Portraits
Ruth Campbell - Gallery Art
Ruth Campbell - Wall Art
Simulated Print Photography
Electric Six
Simulated Print Art / Portrait
- Rob Lower - Electric Six
Simulated Print Art / Portraits
- Rob Lower - Electric Six
Simulated Wall Art / Portrait
- Rob Lower - Electric Six
Simulated Art Portraits
- Rob Lower - Electric Six
Mick & Phil Magazine Simulation
Mick N Phil Gallery Simulation
Mick N Phil Simulation
Back stage O2 ABC Glasgow 2017
Mick N Phil Live
O2 ABC Glasgow 2017
Mick N Phil Simulated Album
Simulated Office Art "Almond"
Simulated Office Art "Peña de los Enamorados"
Simulated Office Art "Western Ferry"
Simulated Office Art "River Fade"
Simulated Office Art "Andalusian Village"
Wőlves - Simulated Bus Poster
Wőlves - Simulated Window Triptych
Wőlves - Simulated Venue Poster
Wőlves - Simulated NYC Billboard
Wőlves - Simulated Wall Art
Wőlves - Simulated Album Cover
Paul Wall Art
Large format mock up example
Mum & Son Wall Art
Large format mock up example
Cap'n John
Large format mock up example
Carolyn Triple Portrait
Large format mock up example
Electric Six
Exhibition Scene
Electric Six
Gallery Scene
Electric Six
Office Wall Art B&W
Electric Six
Living Room Wall Art
Colonel Mustard Concert
Colonel Mustard on the bus.
Bus poster featuring Colonel Mustard
Mustard in the Bus Stop
Mustard in the Magazine
Mustard on the Wall
Wall Art Sitting Room
Kilcreggan Pier
Wall Art Bedroom
Sunset over the Cowal Peninsula
Patio Seating Area Wall Art
Twizzle Tree
Living Room Wall Art
Sunset Silhouettes
Lounge Wall Art
Clyde Estuary Triptych
Toni Taylor 327 Street Poster
Portrait in context as street poster
Toni Taylor 327 Magazine Cover
Portrait in context as front cover
Toni Taylor 327 Gallery "Warhol" Exhibit
Portrait in context as art exhibit
Toni Taylor 327 Wall Art
Portrait in context as Wall Art in domestic setting.
Miracle Glass Company
Miracle Glass Company Triptych Display poster mockup. Live at King Tut's
Miracle Glass Company
Austen George – Vocals & Guitar for the Miracle Glass Company. Live at King Tut's. Wall Poster mockup
Max Scyther Van
Scottish Rapper Max Scyther shown in context
Max Scyther Album
Scottish Rapper Max Scyther shown in context on an album cover.
Ewan Mains Billboard mock up
Mock up showing music image in context as billboard poster.
Portrait Posters - Grace 01
Bespoke photoshoot portrait in context as street advert posters.
Wall Art - Sitting Room 01
A view of the River Clyde Estuary and the islands of Bute and Arran. Shown here in large format in a sitting room setting.
Portrait - Magazine Cover 01
Portrait of a man shown in context on the cover of a magazine.
Wall Art - Kids Room 01
Bespoke image of child and horse shown in context as large print wall art in a child's room.
Wall Art - Studio 01
Bespoke Music Poster shown in context as a large print on a studio wall.
Eriska Billboard Simulation
Eriska's Gavin Paterson - Magazine cover Simulation
Selina Clare Ross Album Cover Simulation
Eriska's Aileen Sweeney Album Cover Simulation
Eriska Album Simulation